Easy No-Bake Protein Balls

no bake lactation protein ball recipe

You will absolutely LOVE these protein balls! They are a great pregnancy & postpartum snack as well as a healthy snack for the whole family (my two boys and husband think they are “treats”)! These can be a staple in your house and they are great to share with friends, family, and new parents after they have a baby. They are delicious and nutritionally dense and they happen to also support your milk supply!

Benefits of brewers yeast:

Brewer’s yeast is a byproduct of beer making though it can be grown as a nutritional supplement. It is a good source of iron, chromium, and selenium. It is also a good source of B vitamins except for B-12. Brewer’s yeast has been known as a galactagogue which is a food, herb, or medication that increases milk supply for lactating people. This herb is considered safe for lactating people. There is no current scientific evidence supporting the claims but you might notice a modest increase in supply. If you have recurrent yeast problems or yeast infections, avoid using the supplement. If you decide to opt out of the brewer’s yeast, please know these protein balls are still a very benefical and nutritionally dense food.

Benefits of flaxseed:

Flax seeds can boost your breast milk supply naturally and is a great source of calcium, fiber, fatty acids, and more. The oils in flaxseeds contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) that is semi-converted into fatty acids, along with phytoestrogens that can impact your breast milk supply.

Benefits of rolled oats:

Rolled oats are known to support breastfeeding and increase milk supply because oats are high in iron and since low iron can result in decreased milk supply, the thinking is that a boost in iron could help increase milk supply. Additionally, oatmeal is known to lower cholesterol. Some believe that lowering cholesterol can help to increase milk supply.

What you’ll need:

no bake lactation protein ball recipe

Below are the ingredients including links to purchase the item if you don’t happen to have it already in your pantry. These are easy, simple, fun, and you can change them up adding ingredients and flavors you love!

2 Cups Rolled oats (GF Harvest Old Fashioned Rolled Oats)
1 Cup Peanut Butter (or substitute almond, cashew or Sunny Butter)
1/2 Cup Ground Flax Seed (Viva Naturals Organic Ground Flax Seed)
1 Scoop Vanilla Protein Powder (Juice Plus Complete Protein Powder)
2/3 Cup Honey
2 tsp Vanilla (Simply Organics Madagascar Vanilla)
3 Tbl Brewer’s Yeast*** (Mommy Knows Best Brewer’s Yeast Powder)
1/2 Cup Dark Chocolate chips (I prefer the dairy free Enjoy Life Dark Chocolate Chips)

***Optional - if sensitive to yeast problems or yeast infections, omit from the recipe

How to Make:

Combine the above in a large mixing bowl* (see tip below) folding the chocolate chips in last. Roll into 1” balls and place on a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper. Place in freezer for 1-2 hours. Store in airtight container seperating with parchment paper. You can keep them in the fridge for up to a week and in the freezer for up to 3 months.

*Tip, if you have a countertop mixer, you can use this and it will do all the hard mixing for you :)

These are great to make during the last couple months of pregnancy and store for after baby arrives. This is my favorite “treat” to make for my friends and family who’ve just had a baby. I also like to bring these to my client’s at our postpartum visit. Now that my kids are a little older and no longer nursing, I still make these as a snack for my family. They are easy to grab on the go, easy to make ahead of time, and really pack a solid punch when it comes to getting a lot of long lasting nutrition in one small bite.

What to do next (while enjoying these yummy protein balls)!

Take childbirth education class - we’ve got you covered HERE

Hire a doula - we’ve got you covered HERE

Listen to fun podcasts all about pregnancy and birth - we’ve got you covered HERE


Balanced Nutrition: Healthy Pregnancy & Birth


Positive Affirmations for Pregnancy and Birth