Aligned Birth Podcast

Episode 5 - Pillars for a Healthy Pregnancy

Episode 5 Healthy Pregnancy Habits Transcription


Hello Hello and welcome to the Align birth podcast. Dr. Shannon here today, and Rachel, the doula is here as well. And today we have a wonderful episode, we're gonna be covering lots of little mini topics for you to dive deeper with but really focusing on some pillars of health as it pertains to pregnancy.


So, kind of, deemed our pillars of a healthy pregnancy, and in that. We have lots of different things to talk about. So we'll go into you know movement nutrition and sleep and all kinds of good things like that but first we want to start with.


One of the big pillars that we think and it's really focusing in just terming it one word mindset. I like that word mindset, and just how you're approaching, how you're approaching things you know because I don't know I talk a lot in the office to you about stinking thinking, you know you can read it's really easy to spiral down into that aspect of things in life and so really looking at your mindset, especially as it pertains to birth, pregnancy, labor, all of that. Yeah, that's awesome stinking thinking, that's fine. I know, and it's easy to remember right so sciatica Federer. Yeah, well I think mindset is an incredibly important one to focus on first before we talk more about the other healthy habits of pregnancy because I think mindset is sort of the root of all things, and I think that fear and worry and anxiety can pick up more in pregnancy, especially if you kind of struggle with that pre pregnancy and you have a greater tendency to struggle with it during pregnancy and so being aware of that and, and having some tools to try to keep the fear and anxiety and stress, reduced because that has downline effects on your health in your labor, and your postpartum. And so I think talking about mindset and sort of how to have a healthy, positive mindset, And I believe that it's not all about being happy and sunshiny all the time. So when we say positive mindset that's not what we mean. So it's not that you have to just, oh, everything's great, everything's fine. And then you'll feel fine. It's being able to identify when you're struggling with your thoughts, or you're feeling more fearful and stress, identifying kind of what's triggering it, and then using the tools that you're going to learn here today to kind of create some healthy habits and habits are something that you know it's not about feeling great all the time but it's like okay when I don't feel good I can automatically choose these habits and these practices to shift me into a more positive, healthy mindset because when we're feeling more positive, we tend to make better choices, so that I realized all of that because that's so key because it's not like you're gay, you might be feeling bad, but you can't, sometimes it's hard for me to just pick myself up by my bootstraps and we're just gonna keep pushing and persevering and that is not helping, you know either, it's it's really recognizing, okay. I am feeling a certain way. What are things I can do to support myself and help myself and so that's keeping your provider informed because it like you had mentioned if you have a history or a tendency towards mental health, you know, issues or mental health needs beforehand. Then, let's be aware of that because there's no judgment and no shame and doing what you need to do to take care of your mental health for sure. So, if you know it's keeping your doctor required this year or next year but maybe there's some other things like listen to that can help with our mindset and help us recognize when you do need to maybe, you know, take some calming breaths, or meditation and do some journaling, you know, just little things like that that can also make advancements and sleep and hydration and what you're putting in your body and what you're consuming on your devices all of the things we're going to talk about today affect our mindset and army. And so recognizing like one, you know kinda scrolling social media for 10 minutes now, like my now I'm feeling more intense. Yeah, I know, right, down, right, well listen to the podcast, put the phone down.


Listening to someone's stuff like this this is helping to increase education and information versus consuming social media all the time, you know, definitely just in small business, and just paying attention to how you feel after you know, you go to have coffee with a certain phrase or not, not being able to have your lunch and that you leave that exchange feeling more stressed and anxious maybe because they're sharing stressful stories or they're sharing negative stories about birds or they're bringing their own baggage is making us more stressed and they have a lot of stress in their life, you know, being able to respectfully identify like triggers right and it could be people it could be food, it could be social media, and like, I feel more stressed after that so how can I shift away from that, especially during pregnancy, so they can protect the mindset because again, all, everything else goes out from there. So, how you choose to be active or how you prepare for your birth is in your mindset. It's obviously a very important one to prioritize over all the other ones but I think it's, It has to the employee. First, yeah, I agree, I agree, and some things that I'd like you know, to go over with moms too. Even if I'm not saying, Oh, we're gonna focus on your mindset. But, you know, we'll still talk about things because that would be the creating a birth plan, because that can help with your mindset because okay now we talked about interventions we've talked about what I want. We've talked about the risk of benefits of these, and it's part of that. Okay, now I want to make an informed decision, and I feel better about this decision and my mindset is better because I have done the research I have asked for the help I have consulted the resources that I need that can help you form that berth and help you make those informed decisions. That's also part of, so I'm gonna sleep you know go with moms I'm trying to say things like, Okay, so today we're gonna talk about mindset, no, this is part of it, you know, and even you said seeps into everything else so my big ones with my mom's it's really okay do we have a birth plan, what do you envision for this you know, because that can help us tackle the fear that is inherently involved with her pregnancy and labor and birth and it's okay that if you have that fear let's, let's do something with it right and instead of just wallow in it, let's do something with it but then I also think with the informed decision aspect too as far as, hey, we have this birth plan. Another aspect of taking care of our mindset is, what are we going to do to help that birth plan come to fruition as an avatar I think it's great that our support team is taking this childbirth prep classes and so that sneakily is related to mindset.

It's you know creating member support team is taking those childbirth prep classes, and so all of that sneakily is related to mindset. Yeah, it really is and I think that having the birth limbs as a place to start as a tool as that guy, because it walks you through pretty much the whole birth process, and it's an opportunity to learn, and all of that helps reduce fear so the more we know about the unknown, the less fearful, it becomes. And I think that is the root of most people's fear around birth is just the unknown, and it might be hard to bring in a person to learn anything and it's so comprehensive, but just starting with the birth plan is great, because like I said it walks you through your STEM education, and all of a sudden you're like having conversations with your care provider asking them about how they continuous electronic fetal monitoring and where you are using your voice, becoming an active participant in shared decision making all just from starting to work away because I promise you that I thought I don't know how they do that so when you, you do the research, or when it is to your provider about it and all of a sudden that process that over that one little bit is confidence boosting. It's an empowerment type of process.


And I agree the second part of that is the education, the Trump administration which is focused heavily on that. It's not just the first plan or plan doesn't make it happen, is the process of gaining knowledge from the what's included in the birth plan so you can have the Berkeley but if you haven't done the research to know your options and each day and then have the conversation with the care provider, selling yourself short of the process. And I think that's a really great place to start tackling or sending money when tackling your mindset.


And the good news, you're just tackling that right out the gate so I'd love to share that with your clients can be overwhelming, like I get it, you know, because it's like planned and all this, blah blah blah, like I did. Sometimes if you look at that big picture, that can overwhelm, and also have a hindrance towards working on that positive mindset and so that's where they come into like okay, what's one little thing I can look at to guess, you know, and like, you know, or for example, exactly. Pick one thing at a time and one thing leads to the next, I mean, my family and my eight plus years ago, really is how I learned so many things that she gave it to me because you don't know something on it.


Right, she kind of discouraged, everything but this pasture care provider or X ray, and I gave it to me early on and I've worked through it, it was not like all of a sudden, was like this, this learning process, and it was incredibly valuable because there were so many things on there that I had no idea what they were. So the fact that I haven't even existed in health. I felt I didn't know I felt less nervous or unsure I got less stressed or was going to calm and it's not about having an exact plan, I was not the point of a birth plan it's about being able to navigate things when they come up with more ease and competence. So, and all of that working on it during pregnancy, again, can help you feel better. So that's one thing and some other things I share with my clients.


Beyond the things that we will talk about as far as like healthy habits is doing like a daily gratitude journal, and it doesn't have to be anything formal or fancy grab a notebook, and just in the morning or evening whenever it feels good, just write down five to 10, little things that you are grateful for because pregnancy can bring about stress that you didn't have previously been able to sit in those stressful moments and say okay what is going well, you know, what is healthy in my mind he was, what is helping me in my life what is safe, what is secure. What did I enjoy today. It doesn't have to be anything major, you just write those down and that little practice, can really help keep you positive even though, even though times are hard, even though you're not feeling great, even though there's more stress, it could really help you stay in a more positive mindset on hard times those definitely. I do that. Anyway,


good habit. Yeah, and you know it's a life that's a good life habit for sure. And then I share, popcorn, reading and listening to first stories I think I make apps and all of her books have sections.


Positive birth stories where you just listen and hearing all the variations all the different ways that will give birth, but then hearing how they got through it and the different things that arose, and how they still managed to have a positive life experience can also keep us feeling secure and positive and trying to really avoid the fearful type of her stories that she described that seem to be perpetuated by friends or family who are as informed or maybe did have a really scary. Dramatic work experience, but that doesn't match your experience, that doesn't mean that's going to happen to you. So I think kind of breeding for stories can really help you feel more positive about your upcoming work as well. Yeah, I agree, I agree with having that safe space to listen.


And then things persist right, I think, try some of the worst sharing practices if you're still feeling that, just not right.


Something's not right. Listen to your intuition and seek out the simplest thing you can think of to secure, ensure that you get the treatment you need right like things are persistent and we've tried to sell the cabinets for money, you know, and you just know something's not right, like you said, reach out to your care provider, your partner, your friend, your family, and I also think talking with those people beforehand and say this is what it looks like when I'm not right and I might need your help and give them that like, so that they're looking at advocating for you too. And the sooner you treat you seek care for anxiety and depression, you're going to have a shorter, a better chance of having like a shorter, less severe. My time with it. So the sooner you seek care, the better you'll have it like recovering quicker. And you touched on that earlier, is super important to reinforce that. These are not perfect fixes for feeling. Commonly, right, it's just things to have like tools in your toolbox. And you know to understand, you know your body and so if something you know is still doesn't feel right. And you're still feeling like you're not being heard by your provider,


searching, you know, for yourself, that's another big aspect to the mindset. Part of this well before, sorry, one more thing I was going to share about, because if you're struggling with higher stress or higher anxiety. I like to share my practice as well that you kind of set aside the time every day for your like worry time. So when you if you wake up in the morning and your mind is just reeling, you can say okay at that time today, I'm going to sit for 20 minutes and I'm going to let myself feel all the worry and I'm going to make you write it all on a piece of paper. And so throughout the day when you're, when the stress and worry to save and worry. And then, when she went away to shoot away and then that would be to your designated time where you can go maybe sit by yourself, and either write or talk it out some people just like to record yourself, or write it out, just get it out and save it for a designated time, and then say okay, I've let it all go, you know, no feelings and now I'm gonna move on.


Giving it sort of that set time can help some people doesn't work for everybody right it's not things that the feeling down, it's giving you a COVID tool throughout the day if you're constantly feeling the anxiety or the wheeling thoughts in your head, like I said for a certain time, and then say that maybe helps me because it's just something I understand now. No, and that's good, and that's a wonderful I think segue point into the next pillar that we can talk about because I do think and we've mentioned this all of our pillars are kind of related, and really hard on that mindset because they all are going to impact that and so I think a big one and what I like to do when I tune up is that movement motion of the body exercise. So that kind of fits with it when you're saying okay let's save this for later okay well let's save it for maybe my COVID in time it's going to be, I'm going to go for a walk, and I'm going to leave it all out there, I don't tend to do that on my runs I like to, and I'll be like that, leaving it all out on the trails, and it's going to, we're going to process it and then we're going to go out and work it out. Yeah, but that both movement and motion is so so so important for a healthy pregnancy as well. Yeah, well our thoughts and our energy that we carry all of it need somewhere to go. And so usually that's best served through movement activity but sometimes it's vocalizing so if you can go and walk and talk it out loud out loud to yourself or just that energy needs somewhere to go, or builds up and it just feels worse and worse and worse. And I think activity and movement and exercise is vital to a healthy pregnancy and it's recommended from the time to find out you're pregnant. There's no even if you weren't doing exercise regiments before, there's no really reason to not get started, you know, if you weren't running before you probably should not pick up running but if you were running the minutes medically safe to run. If you had more of a secondary life before you got pregnant then just starting with some gentle walking, stretching, just go move dancing in your kitchen.


Whatever it is, move your body 30 minutes a day so that's the recommendation to start there. And you can say to


yourself, still active during pregnancy because you're pregnant. Yeah, so I have been running for two years now.


I, it was definitely something that I wanted to continue throughout my presidency. And so all of my providers are like oh yeah that's how I, you know, it was cool things to look out for. So yeah, you may want to you have a large heart rate, and that type of faith, and excessive you know really during training and that type of thing but you know realistically I wasn't trying to


continue to move my body because I wanted to maintain where I was at, but I wanted to see I ran, I like to say I read the day before Labor when it was more of like a lot.


I remember just being like okay this is this is what Fridays are closing looks like now, but it was just that motion that I didn't wait too long as well to be mindful of that I wasn't trying to do like deadlifts and that sort of stuff, all know that mom could have worked with and I have watched the scene from her school I went to school with him. And there are, there are ways to do it again. It's not like, Oh, I've never done it before in my lifetime. I'm going to start doing that now.


Yeah, so I really like to do it too. That was really good to start us habits before.


But it really is outside of personal medical history, that one, of course, you're active, You're expected to exhibit, I love indoor cycling I do that a lot with a lot of the most of the things that


are all of those things,


you know, and again I think work to have to happen so for me it's probably easier to continue them right pregnancy would have been doing that it's just here to encourage and remind you that it has an impact on the health of your world.


And all of these habits we share your impact and reduce overall disease and illness and pregnancy and birth related complications, practicing how to actually have an impact on your health.


For the rest of it.


So it is important. So, if you're required to render a benefactor, that's okay.


Whatever we'll search today


got started with yoga. Yoga for a long time. I found out for myself. Like, I did not discriminate going out to yoga studio.


When I was pregnant with this work somewhere else where, you know, I found out I had to go do an hour and a half, yoga class, you know, you can vary that assessment that works for you and don't be intimidated, so we know that you can start a job at Titan and there's all kinds of


different movements which are going to say


something, You know classwork and focus on




Try it out Friday night kind of simple.


To share so there's this person but they also do online classes for


me, not racist.


But I have a personal preference to do likewise.


And there is also my go and look for some gentle prenatal yoga classes.


Check them out and try to use them to with your body structure.


Finding that was really, really big. I think that's why it's


pretty wonderful. With the breath work machine field, and that is a great way to connect with yourself, and to just listen to your body.


It's really wonderful to try it out


for you.


Even if you're in like Georgia are farther away from an actor and I would take the stairs when I was still working


as 1%.


Overtime, access to the IRS now.


So, easy, and I want to encourage you to proceed on


this thing that happens to the chair you're comfortable right. It's just like that. That thing was perpetuated through TVs or, or negative stories or whatever but I think with These Healthy Habits especially with movement and taking care of yourself. It doesn't have to be uncomfortable, like I carry both of my babies to the finish I was big and I think that yes I had some discomfort, but I also chose to focus on what felt good and I was able to go within 42 weeks because I just didn't see it.


I just saw the pain has been discovered that I had as a gift. And as I was doing with it, and not choosing misery and not saying and not just subscribes to what everyone else


doesn't have trouble experiencing, and you can have a safer burden sharing of information with those little things, like it's not enough


resources to know for sure, all of those different feeling overall for the pregnancy. Yes, I agree with all of it in line with how our body. We also have to fuel our body. Well, nutrition, we're eating history seeing these makes a big impact.


Because yes, and I know we've talked about it


in Purdue is like that.


That's not necessarily healthy, you know, that's one aspect of it, it's not like your two goals and that's not my workout


was like 500 extra calories, is what it was like, That wasn't my house, but that there was an environment where you might have deserted, you know, all yeah just. Yes, I know like Craig certain things because I remember you know I proved to myself that by practicing. Yes, this doesn't have to be so like, oh, the extra calories or pages like I'm trying to, you know, manage that way.


Like, that can also that can cause stress anxiety so returning to fuel our bodies have proper materials, because that is what we're


really focusing on.


Remember for years, my midwife was my first son told me she was like over 50 pounds, you have a significantly higher chance as a singer, but she wasn't thinking that she like training me or jumping up battery because it was just the fact that, you know, I think, average is 35 to 40 pounds, or what has helped right. And so thinking is a lot. And so knowing that we said it just like clicked with me I was like, I know I don't want necessary so okay I'm gonna do what I can to keep things in check and I certainly enjoyed myself right like.


And like you said, sometimes, your body needs certain things, good to be in tune with your body and not in existence so it's like okay well I'm breaking the sweet thing I'm gonna have dark chocolate against blueberries or I don't know, like, can I satisfy that


assertion. Or like I really just want to do it in moderation, everybody. I'm all about listen to your body, enjoy it. I mean it is an experience, it should be enjoyed but just keeping things in check and being aware of what you put in, affects your mind. It affects when you move your body, your potential for disease and illness right like it matters. And I don't want to be like, Oh, you're only getting x y&z Or it's all going to be bad, it's just knowing that it does make a difference and that if you can make, you know, 80% of the time, make some healthy decisions for what you do put in your body and let yourself enjoy maybe 20% Okay, I say 20 Yes, it's it's good grace and let yourself enjoy it but then, you know I say that ice cream, or eat that really yummy pizza or whatever it has nothing to do at the next meal for the next we'll choose the healthy thing and say I don't because I know that that's not one thing but everything else is gone.


And I'm just going right to Section seven and in my face, I know this thing, right. Yeah. And there are many requirements for our guideline, shall I say for nutrition during pregnancy, and we're not diving into that today.


I say, fill half your plate with veggies, you're doing good. Eat lots of Lean healthy protein, you know, drink lots of water we were going to touch on hydration.


There are ways if you don't need me to get protein to lots of ways. So just what else helping that, oh my gosh, she'll be back, brain development was like salmon is actually a safe fish to eat during pregnancy, sardines, I know that sounds bad but they were incredibly high. The healthy, healthy fats, avocados and nuts. So walnuts and almonds and cashews. A C Parsi, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds right. Okay, so all these things can help. I don't I don't want to get off track.


Well I have a book, I know so that's where I'm like I have a book that I recommend for my mama's, and it's real food for pregnancy by Lily Nichols, and I found out about it from a local midwife here who works in one of the hospitals, and I were chatting with her about it and going through it and just learning, you know it's just a really wonderful approach to what to eat during pregnancy recipes and research grades, that sort of thing so you know you don't have to be overwhelmed too and trying to like research and figure out things there are some resources out there to definitely that sounds like a great book, and I also have a vibrant pregnancy smoothing adapted from Dr. Sears.


The pediatrician, and he's all things pregnancy and baby and breastfeeding and it's great because it has basically all the things you would want, and you make a big one in the morning and you can kind of sit on it all day so it's got the fiber and the Protein and Greens and healthy fats, and he calls it like a specific smoothing, so you kind of sit on it throughout the day because sometimes it's too much to consume like if it's, you know you're pregnant you don't want to drink a little smoothie, and it's just a great way to kind of get a nutritionally dense like packed meal. And it's also delicious. So, I can share that with our notes as well. In that book is in the first 40 days, that's another book for postpartum nutrition, very similar to how we prepare for our birth and what we put in our body.


Pre birth is just as important for postpartum because you have cells that mean rejuvenation and restoration, and you're doing a lot of healing and recovering and not your feeding and tiny human, so really focusing in that tends to be when we like let everything go as far as like we may be like forget to eat or, you know, the quick thing because you are now caring for another human, so getting that book during pregnancy and reading and packing those recipes right in your mind or whatever, to ensure you're fueling your body well for the recovery of activity no side note on that too because I just had a mom. Come in. Yesterday, and we were talking about diet because it's just straining to move to like some constipation she says she's nursing, and we're talking about food and diet, just kind of look at what are you eating type of thing, and what hasn't been the best, and she made a comment, you know,


that's great, castor sugar. The past you know and still like






not cook as much but eat those meals too so I don't know if there's like a little aspect to that too, as far as like taking care of a person or box and like, Oh yeah, I need a break.


Good awareness too if you're listening to this and you are taken good to Mom It's just had a baby, just think about that right I know it was an accident, choose the comfort foods or things are easier to make but like grill some chicken or something for lunch on a salad and that day. You know it's nice and fresh and good, and I do assuming that I take like a good like chicken type of soup, that's full of veggies and bone broth and amazing chicken and then I'll take like protein balls and there's a bunch of recipes out there but I was I really like that.


For quick snack but they're totally jam packed with all the things you need and like you're needing a quick snack.


And so that's what I like to take.


Mama's or what else I'll do these yummy spinach and black beans, like enchiladas on with my homemade tortillas and just a little bit of chinos, and I mean you can bring those over.


People really like. But yeah, just knowing that and I think to permalinks if you're I say that you can plan a meal train or tap to have one of your friends or family to coordinate and they'll train for you, part of having to build train includes preferences for the families and you could you could just say you know we really love. We really love x y and z and it's healthy, and then people, you give people directions, they will listen. So setting that military up ahead of time or if you don't eat gluten say we really want gluten free or we need that free or we really like, you know, gives the people or places you like food from that usually have healthy things that they're going to pick up food for you and it's all right there and then you don't have to worry about asking someone not to bring you something you know just delivering the military.


Yes, I love it I love it. I know, and even though that's you know, it's part of the future. It's just on my mind so important.


Never Mama's. Now, also, just as important as it is, You know postpartum you always telling moms to drink lots of water but that's super important during pregnancy as well I mean that's important in life in general in general until like maybe we need to drink half our body weight in ounces every day. So, that's like that general.


But and it's hard in pregnancy I know because babies growing bellies growing organs or spas bladder and got a female all the time. That's why I'm looking at those I love those videos that kind of show the time lapse of the baby girl and I'm like oh look at where the bladder went like, yeah and anymore and so I didn't get it, but it's so key and crucial because that is how your body flushes toxins so just you in general without being pregnant, that is, you know, urine, feces all of that is how we are flushing toxins out of the body, but also you have to think about, what is your baby face in the fetus face while for practical it's not as fluid, which is also going to be coming from the health of your body that flow of water, water, like water and air and that's the water that's coming from your body. It was so unique, so I've been diagnosed with oily and biotic women pregnancy and they went home and drink a bunch of water to get them to the bath and their water very


relationship, direct and that's because we're hopefully gonna play, maybe an unnecessary induction, and those type of things. I mean that I've had that happen several instances in the office you drink some water with a different set of. Yes, I was I was drinking the water in your car for the ride and that's not to negate how you're feeling, but I want to just start there, like actually like, Braxton Hicks, which are like the tightening of the clamping of your abdomen that aren't actual contractions but it happened like all pregnancy. If you have an uptick in breast cancer usually maybe to activate on your needs a lot and you're probably dehydrated, so I might drink a bunch of water and go serve in the bath, and they'll subside right because Braxton Hicks can make you tired, can be a little bit stressful so one simple fix to that is staying hydrated, and I mean other things that being hydrated help so I guess if drinking too much water you have to pay a lot that's one inconvenience but let's talk about the benefits beyond so you said amniotic fluid right that's very important. So swelling, so it'll keep the swelling at bay, headaches, keeps having to go away or prevent or minimize the severity can help keep you from feeling extra nauseous, sleep helps you sleep better, keeps your energy. It can also, if you are hydrated, it will, it can avoid preterm labor, right, and it can also ensure that once labor starts it keeps going, So being dehydrated can stop or slow wave or boys it's going so obviously leading up to your birth like, stay hydrated stay hydrated stay hydrated, so you can avoid getting those unnecessary IV fluids. And then again, right so all that water.


So just remembering that tape. Drink packs on the way to the water to fill up with a job, or have a designated coffee throughout the day and don't come in every day. No worries, just know that one of the simplest accessible free things you can do to ensure health and you and your baby.


Very true. And I love that I agree with what you said as far as like, I have a big job, because I just don't like filling it up, like, every, you know, everyone I just I just want to fill up what's going on at that point in my life. So, minus five is actually I have a wrote a blog is called My top I don't remember what it's called said about my 10 postcards that you can't buy from schools that actually provide this resort but anyway, because it's called a top bottle joy, and this time it's different, isn't it yeah so it's like you know 7am 911 on like, this is the first time I've had one that's super super big like this. And so this actually has


to, but I love this.


But officers


that are like, I can't have the big one because yeah I know that.


But if you do have a designated waterboarding, no okay well I've had one of these this morning on another one it was. For dinner, and stuff like that, whatever works for you but I just think it really does a priority and I don't




mind every time you walk for water, and also you're struggling, Like when I


was like,


actually, one thing that actually are the two things that squeeze a lemon. So squeezing lemon and different myself, like, run the whole thing in your water because you can water like the transcript the actual limit, and then just that the lemon flavor.


The taste enough to run down. Really cold water, or cut my water with a little bit of juice to do that is another that


is not the best,


and just put a flashbang under water to help get it down so normal water does not have


a fully support.


And you mentioned earlier to that otter


fleet, which happens to be one of our pillars.




I think the problem with this part is that it's like well you can do all these things, or suddenly get a cookie and then you're rolling over and so it can be very difficult to ensure that


it's all about understanding that that was perfectly normal to waste a lot library. When your hormones are coming.


When you're ready to spend your time in


a meeting.


And it's normal to be a little bit on our line like that.


The things I will share here are just to help facilitate better, so that even admits needing to wake a lot or some discomfort that you can still get the best sleep possible, right, so that, knowing that you're probably going to wake in the middle the night knowing that you're probably be uncomfortable. If you're doing some of those things that make sleep harder, that is just going to make you feel more exhausted, the next day. So can we ensure that you go to sleep well that you get some good restorative sleep and that you're able to go back to sleep easily, so that you can get that good restorative sleep that can help you have more energy. The next day, and when we have more energy we're not so when we're tired and overtired, we tend to want to eat like sugary coffee things. So again, knowing that being overtired can impact what we eat, which can impact our mindset, let me know like if it trickles down and it does the what do you like to recommend for good sleep habits. Um, so, one of my big ones, is I like for my moms to put a pillow between their knees so good, and it's, you know, I don't have a specific pillow that I recommend because they get the big life so muddy, but there's so many and everybody's so different. So, if you want the big one that puts you in this like cocoon, and no one's gonna bother you and you can sleep, then that's for you I literally just had our wedding.


And it was just a triangle and I'm trying to swing by us that that really helped with helping you to not collapse, as you lay on your side in sleep. So that's a big thing, although I even say that with my grandpa, who's 96 He told me that last time I went to visit, he was I tell her by the use of the pillow between their knees, I still say everybody needs to searching for that. So find some groups. And that's pretty much it. But I still I do, that's like the one big thing I could do, especially, even if they've got, you know, SPD as far as like pubic symphysis issues lightning crotch those types of things yes that pillow can really help but even if you don't have those things, it's a very good way to help keep that, you know the evenness and the pelvis and the hips, aligned and stacked, that's awesome and then I would just add, wedge a pillow behind your back so you avoid kind of rolling to your back.


If you don't want to have a depression going on in your back, bad news, like you said, and I think that's could be comfortable and aiming the promises on your left side but not everyone was comfortable on your left side.


Definitely and I even have a big body.


I also recommend that people have, you know, a pillow as well.


Collapsing a lot of times you don't realize that some of them are actually


kind of compressed, if we're laying on our side. And, you know, just not really supporting that as well so that's one of those okay body pillows can come in because then you got you got everything, you know I look around over here to the side so but I, I just also wanted to be able to move and I could, I feel like I couldn't move. I just have like a little wedge and then I would have a pillow too. Yeah, so I'm like I have a king size. If you can get a king size pillow, because I get, I put one goes like one me up on my website and then I'm able to hide it too so it's like, yeah, it's a simple way to have, kind of, so that with that it's like it doesn't have to be the pregnancy work.


So yeah, so for I think I like to recommend for encouraging good sleep is all about the bedtime routine, as well as if you think about some of the things we're talking about so hydration and physical activity and food. All of that all what you put into your body can also impact your sleep so if you're doing those other things, then you're going to have a better chance of sleeping well like I know on days I'm more physically active and I drink all the water I tend to sleep better, especially on days I go to the chiropractor, I was the chiropractor days because I know I'm going to sleep. I literally get my best night's sleep. After seeing the chiropractor, but we'll talk about that, as they say you just did my segue because that's what

I'm sorry I took a left turn. Okay, we'll come back but I didn't want to share my bedtime routine. I think doing the bedtime routine is a great way to kind of set yourself up for a good night's rest. And it's, it can be whatever you want it to be create whatever works for you two. On one so the whole day has sort of wound does not. And this starts at one to two hours before you actually want to be asleep. And so, if you want to be as like my 10 Don't start the bedtime routine and can think about everything that's happening in those last between eight and 10 o'clock.


And so, you know, taking a warm bath with Epsom salt and lavender can be really relaxing.


Turning off the devices so TVs and phones, turning them off with the two hours before bed. So devices interfere with our most restorative sleep which is the REM. And so even if you're going to sleep okay you're maybe not getting the most restorative sleep.


And that deep sleep and knowing and I get it, I'm guilty so this is no, no judgment, but just being aware that being on the phone, watching the late shows can impact how restorative your sleep is and so turning off those devices and doing you can do like a little bit of lavender on the inside of your wrist or on your temples, Listening to like guided meditations and audio so I love putting in like headphones, laying in my bed I got my lavender, you know, room is nice and cozy. And just like closing my eyes and like going to sleep with that visualization or meditation or whatever like you enjoy even test it out and just really trying to relax and also exercise is probably you want to avoid it and that one to two hour window to, like, you don't want to exercise and then try and go to bed, like your body's just no state to go to sleep while I try to help sleep right it's all about kind of, then it happens. Yeah, Yeah so, playing with it but again just being aware that wanted to ask you about what are you doing what are you eating, you know, trying to get an eating chimey done with TV you know I tried a few of these things, and pay attention to how you feel, how relaxed you feel as you go to sleep and how could you help in the morning and and be like okay that worked and try it again or no, that didn't work and try something else. But those are a few things warm showers so do like we don't even have a bathtub so if you don't need to do one shower.


Just try to relax yourself to a good sleep, and even. Yeah, you can put the oils on it or you can get a diffuser, so then they're you know diffused in the room throughout the night. Instead of another one that I try to recommend for, for my moms to just, you know, unwind and get restorative sleep now one of the biggest things I hear in the office, the most is like a side effect of chiropractic care is better sleep better test than that a modem, I guess so, but yeah so when one of the other pillars of health that I like to talk about is that chiropractic care, and really making sure we've got good nervous system functions of bodies on to the brain, brain is talking to the body, we've got good two way communication there but then we also have suffered alignment, like pelvis and hips and sacrum, which that can all impact the aches and pains that people feel in pregnancy.


I mean, you hear about it and we've mentioned it before, too. I mean, your body is going through a lot. You know in a relatively short amount of time, I mean you have to think about the grand scheme of life, you know, growing the baby for nine months it's, it's relatively short amount of time to grow the belly grow the baby and move all the organs that sort of thing so yes there, there are aches and pains associated with it but it doesn't have to be so debilitating, It doesn't have to be so intense, if we can make sure that we do have proper alignment, and we're looking at all of these other pillars of health as well. Yeah, that's when I look at with chiropractic though I do like to say, you know, looking for someone who is Webster certified so that the specific pelvic and sacral chiropractic analysis and technique that's used for pregnant patients to really look at pelvis and sacrum alignment. And so that's where Webster technique comes into play and what to look for with chiropractors.


And so I always tell people to look at icpa for kids, calm, that's the national chiropractic Pediatric Association, and you can actually go to the website there and search for Webster certified chiropractors by using your zip code so you can find, you know where they are, you know, anywhere to help you. Really make sure we've got proper nervous system function, and then we even talked about that relating to sleep as well too. So, you know, there's so many benefits from visiting a chiropractor during pregnancy pre pre pregnancy. Pregnancy postpartum beyond your babies, all the things I highly recommend and I had such good experiences with chiropractic care during pregnancy and I do think it's a shame you know we're finishing with it but I would also like to say that I think going and seeing a chiropractor also is this opportunity like even if you just start with the chiropractor, right, they're a great place for you to learn about all these other things we just talked about because I know Dr. Shannon shares all of this with her patients who are pregnant. So, using it as a touchstone using it as a place to say okay I don't know where to begin, but I'm going to start here because I know that they can maybe point me in directions or give me tips for how to prepare myself during this time and resources for things I might need during this time so it's just a wonderful, wonderful environment that's, that's usually not all I mean Athena, you've got to pick a place that feels good for you but my experience is Amanda Ducker Shannon's office is just like it's warm and welcome and it's intimate and you feel like you can just like have a conversation and talk about life, so it's just a great person to connect with during pregnancy and can really launch you into all these other things that we've shared about today so that you can have that support you need to achieve optimal health so that you can have that safe satisfying healthy birth and postpartum. Yeah, that's a true because I know, even just yesterday I had someone who's, you know, she's going to give birth in a hospital setting, but I'm wanting to know well what's the difference between a midwife and a doula and are there other childbirth classes that I can take besides the hospital like all these little things that maybe are getting covered in some of the doctor visits due to whatever weather timing or, you know, just not having that knowledge there or the resources there. So, yeah, lots of different things to go over and so yeah that's a good point that you made us yes it's a great connection opportunity yeah like you're helping you're teaching them the difference of a midwife and doula or you're pointing them in the place where they can learn and it's going to be a good resource right you have your the people in your community so say they need pelvic floor therapy or they need that child with a chair or a doula like you're in touch with those people like that's your responsibility or you see that as your responsibility to have those resources, educational materials, my things, you know that can support a birthing person in the way they need that I think it's far above and beyond what you get for most like doctor's office visits, like, yeah, your mind will be blown I think, you know like they don't even know until you've walked in and like, oh, that's how it can be as far as like how supported you didn't feel and now it's just a great catalyst for learning and connection, and, and all in the vein of just like trying to have a normal physiological birth right. Yes, um, and also be back if you want to have if you're going for a VBAC seeing a chiropractor can 100% Improve Your, your chances at that.


Most definitely. Most definitely. I know so it's been fun talking about our pillars of a healthy pregnancy, we have lots of good things that we talked about day I know lots and lots of information that we'll be putting all these links and things that we have into the show notes, too. So I'm excited that hopefully you have learned something today, And hopefully you can check out the links that we provide in the notes. Yeah and just pick one thing and start there. I think that's the simplest thing. Exactly.


It's been fun Shannon and thank you. Yes, ma'am. We'll talk soon. All right.


Chiropractor, bedtime routine, talk, sleep, pregnancy, doula, lavender, pillars, chiropractic, postpartum, birth, webster, turning, place, restorative sleep, king size pillow, support, body, feeling, body, eat, care provider, water, important, pregnant, drink, healthy, ensure, knowing, running, impact, little bit, day, mindset, healthy habits, recognizing, informed decisions, part, stress, health, mental health, stressed, moms, healthy pregnancy, habits