About Tara

Tara is a certified birth and postpartum doula, double certified childbirth educator and a licensed massage therapist. Her passion is to support and nurture people through their childbearing year offering comfort and physical touch through incredible prenatal and postpartum massage, education with Evidence Based Birth childbirth education classes, and unwavering support as a birth and postpartum doula.

Tara has been a birth worker for over 15 years, but has had a passion and drive to support people during this beautiful journey since childhood. She believes in the body’s power to birth, and knows that with dedication, education, and support that you can have an empowering experience as you grow your family.

Walk with me down memory lane for a moment.

I was 16 years old, and I was sitting on my front steps, with my neighbor. She was braiding my hair when she suddenly turned to me and said... “We should go inside soon. It's about to rain."

It looked like a clear day to me, so I turned asked her why she would say such a thing. She started explaining how ever since she had her child, the spot where she received her epidural painfully aches whenever it's about to rain.

I never forgot this moment, how uncomfortable she was. I knew that I never wanted to go through the same thing if I didn't have to.

A few years later when I was about to have my own child, I didn't know how I would do it, but I knew I had to have an unmedicated birth and I accomplished my goal.

It wasn't until several years later that I became absolutely fascinated with everything related to pregnancy and birth, options and education and my past guided me through.

It was then that I knew: I wanted to dedicate my life to helping other people achieve the births they desire, whether that be an unmedicated birth or simply making their own educated choices.

In the last 20 years, I have since gone on to become a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator, Evidence-Based Birth® Instructor, Cappa Certified Doula, and a Licensed Massage Therapist specializing in prenatal, postpartum, and infant massage. I also recently became certified in lymphatic massage to continue to help my clients after any method of birth, including surgery. 

I have created two incredible services, one called "Postpartum Tuck Ins" to help postpartum moms transition from hospital to home. The other is the "Massaging Doula Experience" to help expecting families through labor and birth in a home or hospital with a combination of massage and comfort measures.

From education, prenatal care, labor, and postpartum, I can help you achieve success!


Client testimonial:

“Tara was absolutely amazing!! She was timely, and I believe she made all the difference in my natural, unmedicated birth experience. I could not have done it without her hip squeezes, encouraging words, and support. Even the midwives asked about her after she left because they were extremely impressed with her involvement. We love Tara!! She also gives the BEST massages. You’ll be lucky to have her.” - Shannia